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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

June 27, 2011

With the Food Coma passed, the show (revue) must go on!

Read Part 1 here.  You'll want to see how the Food Coma started.

A quick recap of our outing to Salsa's: Chips, Salsa, Mahi Mahi Chowder, Papa Taco, Margarita, Good Service, and a partridge in a pear tree.

Basically last night I was in such a state of stuffed-ness, that it pained me to finish writing this revue.  And to be honest, I only have one more dish to share with you.  But trust me, it's worth the wait.

What I ended up ordering was the Pollo en Almendras (Chicken in Almonds).  Yup.  Almonds.

This was a dish of thin chicken breast covered in a salsa made of garlic, almond, sour cream, chipotle chilies and parsley.  If you look at the picture to the left, you can hardley see the chicken.  That's right.  They load on the sauce.  But honestly, as you cut up the chicken, the ratio with the sauce is not overpowering at all.  It's really quite good.  I really enjoy the whole almonds sprinkled throughout the dish.  The vegetable medley side dish was also really good.  I especially loved the grilled carrots.

Salsa's is really a great venue for delicous and above average Mexican foods.  Be sure to enjoy ingredients on the menu such as almonds and raisins!  This ain't to Chilis chain food!

Oh, and remember, try to get the window seats!  You'll love the breeze and the people watching.  And there's a nice view of Ben Affleck's favorite flower shop...

Eat well, digest for 24 hours.  Totally worth it.

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