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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

June 28, 2011

Beans on Pizza - You want to read this revue of the Lynwood Cafe

The Lynwood Cafe
320 Center Street
Randolph, MA

Cash Only
Pizza Only

Growing up, I never had the opportunity to try the Lynwood.  In Mansfield, we'd order Cousin's, in Norwood we'd order Soko's.  Once in while my soccer team would take a trip to Town Spa. 

Now if you ask all my friends from the South Shore area, they have story after story about going to the Lynwood once a week, getting takeout, braving the long weekend waits to eat inside, arguing that there is no way Town Spa could ever top what's going on there.  I was starting to get jealous.

To set the record straight, I had eaten Lynwood pizza.  I'd say I have it about once a year at my friend's  house.  Let's just say they have a connection to the Lynwood.  They have a little annual party and if you're fast enough, you can grab a slice of the pizza they provide before it's gone. 

Lynwood's is a bar style pizza that most people can consume in one sitting.  I like that.  If you're going to be ordering pizza with four of your friends, order 4 different pizzas and share!  There probably won't be many leftovers. 

So this past weekend I had my first ever outing to the bar.  I walked in and felt like I recognized the place, based on people's descriptions of the dark interior and the bar and the games and the small tables and booths.  For a group of 7 people we had about a 45 minute wait that went by pretty quickly.  We had the luxury of putting our orders in prior to being seated.  Love that factor.  I think we were only sitting about 10 minutes before our pizzas started arriving.

Ok, now, I have to tell you, before I even started typing the first sentence of this revue, I became instantly starving.  If I could turn back time I would go back to Friday and order the Bean Special all over again.  Yup.  Beans on my pizza.  Baked Beans.  All over my little bar style pizza.  It was suggested that I order it crispy because the longer it cooks, the better it is.  Yup.  All true.  I only got through about 2 1/2 pieces of this one because it was filling.  But also because I wanted to try other flavors.

The cheese was one I tried and it was good.  I've never a met a cheese pizza I didn't like, really.  But even better than that was the Green Pepper Ring and Onion pizza.  I don't know what makes a difference between slices or rings, but this style was delicious.  It even looked really pretty with the green circles all over it.

To those of you who may have been at the Lynwood on Friday, if you saw a bunch of girls climbing into the old phone booth and posing for wasn't us.

Bar style, beans, tradition, quality, loyal customers.  Gotta love it!  Lynwood, I'll be back. 

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