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Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

June 20, 2011

A summery Thursday evening @ Siros - Marina Bay

Siros Restaurants
307 Victory Road
Quincy, MA 02171

If you'll remember correctly, last Thursday was a beautiful day.  Sun shining, temperatures sky-rocketing.  A great opportunity to get oneself into an outdoor dining experience.  With friends!

We'll mark this outing to be one of the best of the year, to be quite frank.  The outdoor component, the company, the food.  The hilarious waiter who knew we were the right table to handle his sarcasm and witt.  All around good.  But let me back up a little bit.

Dinner reservations at Siros were set for 6pm, which was pretty smart.  We were the 2nd group to be seated outside - no wait.  Shortly afterwards the outdoor section filled to capacity and it was a fun, happening night.  But getting in before the rush was greatly satisfying.

Now, being at dinner wit all the gals, Mother, Sister, the Scanclan and Cro-dogs, the drink menu was being passed around more than a pipe at a jam band concert.  "I'm getting this." "I'm getting that." "I'm gonna throw up.".  There were lots of drinks.  The one that stood out was the Pomegranate Sparkle, which is a delicious and dangerous champagne drinks.  But we tried the Lemon martini, the Mango Punch and the Peartini.  Just avoid the Cantaloupe Martini, unless you really like orange juice.  Then go for it.

Instead of appetizers for the table, we just kept asking for more bread and hummus.  Thank you to the wise, wise human (or otherwise) who made the bold decision to replace butter pads with hummus.  Butter, you can kiss my you-know-what because I never liked you and often skipped out on some pretty amazing breads because of you.  Hummus.  Never leave me.

Ordering salads was as much a production for 7 woman as ordering the drinks.  "Oh, you're getting that one?  Want to share?  No?  Changed your mind?  Ok, can I have a sip of your drink?".  I think it took a good 25 minutes to order salads.

The Red and Yellow Beet salad w/ Gorgonzola Cream was the best salad.  There.  I said it.  Sorry to you friends who ordered the Wedge, Mediterranean and Caprese salads (all raves), but there can only be one winner.  And I write the blog, so...

I will say that the buffalo mozzarella in the Caprese Salad was the best I've tried in a long time.  (Beets, you're stll the best.)

About 4 hours later we ordered our Entrees.  Let me tell you, are we co-dependent orders.  Between the 7 of us, we got 2 sets of duplicate orders.  2 orders of the Beef Risotto with Spinach and Asiago and 2 orders of the Seafood Risotto.  Both  were exceptional.  The Seafood came with large shrimp, mussels and a scallop.  All excellent (although I'm sure you know I gave away my shrimp.). 

We also had orders of Chicken Piccatta and Chicken Marsala.  The Chicken Piccatta had capers the size of olives and the Marsala came with a side of Mashed Ginger Sweet Potato.  So #$(*#$&(# delicious.  All of it.  Everything I just wrote about.  Winners. 

There may have been a few more drink orders going around.  I do believe I recall hearing the words "Vodka Gimlet" in there.  Anything that includes the word Gimlet is awesome.

Dessert.  Dun-da-dun-dun...dun!  I couldn't even look at another piece of food.  But then M.A. ordered the Cheesecake that tasted like Ricotta Pie and I suddenly had lots of extra room in my tummy.  We also had a White Chocolate biscuit with Sorbet and berries.  A Flan dish, too.  I am pretty sure everyone liked their desserts, but I had a Gollum-type hold on this cheesecake.  Totally delicious.

In conclusion...I don't even know.  Siros is fabulous, the service is friendly and the drinks are powerful.  Oh, and the view.  Did I mention the view?  Beautiful on a clear, summer night.  Get your reservations in and don't show up too late.  You'll be outta luck!


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