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June 14, 2011

Game 7: Where's Boston Watching?

Boston Bruins vs Vancouver Canucks - GAME 7
WED June 15 8:00pm - Can you handle it???

Let's do it B's - no jinxies, no backsies
Is the nausea setting in?  How about the cold sweats?  Did you get enough sleep last night?  Don't tell me you didn't even see the game!  Blasphemy.  If you need a recap, check it out here

So now the big decisions need to be made.  Where are you going to WATCH Game 7?  Weather you're a die-hard, bandwagon or straight up indoor-kid, we're all going to be watching in some capacity.  Don't fool yourself.  This is exciting.

Canal St
Off the top of my head, my first instinct would be to hit the best sports (and best Bruins) bar that I know of by North Station.  And I know you know it.  Say it with me now, people: Sully'sSullivan's Tap is a great dive bar with real people, real fans and one long as bar with stools that'll kill your posture.  Classic.  Play some pool or some jams on the juke box to pass the intermissions away.  Just don't forget to bring cash!  And make some friends.  I always talk to the best people when I'm there.  Plus, the fun part here would be being so close to the Garden.  It'd be super fun mayhem on Canal & Causeways streets, should the game go as Bostonians hope (no jinxies).

Right next to Back Bay
 Another scenario might be that you're just getting out of work and want to grab a bite and some beers right when that 5 o'clock whistle sounds.  My ol' after-work-stomping-grounds was Clery's over on Dartmouth Street, by Back Bay Station.  Pop over, store the lap top under your bar side table and grab some apps.  If the weather is nice and the windows are open you can shout out pleasantries to your fellow Bruins nation as they pass.  We'll all be friends on Wednesday!

Southie & Quincy
 But maybe you're just outside the city.  Southie. Quincy.  The first place that comes to mind for me here is The Stadium.  Now granted, this may not be my favorite everyday hang out.  But I will definitely go for sports events and if my friends are all meeting there.  And I might treat myself to a Fried Twinkie Sundae, who knows.  You could definitely meet a big crowd of your friends here and share some apps before face off.

The last option, that actually sounds really good to this Bostonian, sitting on my couch, with Roomie, eating dinner and stalking updates on Facebook.  I will virtually high-five all my FB friends when we knock down the Sedins and own every power play.  We've watched every win in the Dot, while chomping on Mexican food, so it's only right to keep the tradition alive.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Before Facebook era

So where will you be watching?  My little list is nothing compared to the hundreds of possibilities that Boston has to offer.  Let us know your plans and keep in touch on Wednesday!  No matter where you are, let's watch together (insert hand-holding music here).

Go B's!

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