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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

June 24, 2011

224 - Part 2 (Warning: Do not read in public if you salivate easily)

Part 2: A Full Meal
224 Boston Street
Dorchester, MA

Welcome to Part 2, 'buds!  If you will, take a few minutes to familiar with Part 1 here.  You wouldn't watch a sequel without seeing the original, would you?

Thirsty Thursday in the Dot turned out to be more of a "Throw food in your face Thursday".  That's right.  Our dinner at 224 was absolutely crazy and if you do not take my recommendation and dine here, you're wasting time in life.  I don't care if you're 16, 36 or 60.  If you can chew, you're going to like it.

As you may recall (because you all read Part 1), I really love the Boston Cod Cake.  Therefore, it made an encore performance last night.  I was with my good pal Wafa & Roomie, who was a last minute addition.  A welcome one, at that!  Extra plate of food to try!  But basically, I wanted them to experience my favorite appetizer on the menu.

In addition to the delicious Cod Cake, we devoured the Zucchini Fries and the Appetizer Special, which was a Braised Short Rib.  The fries were so good and light.  And because they're a vegetable, you don't feel too guilty!  The Short Rib was a completely different experience.  It was over the top good.  It really tasted like that sweet, intense Korean BBQ flavor that I often find but can never replicate.  And when you put your fork to the rib, it fell apart in such exaggerated fashion.  You can't describe how delicate it was.  Just go order it before they take it off the specials!

The entree menu has definitely changed a bit since the Fall/Winter.  And that's no problem with me.  I like seasonal menus.  For the table, we ordered the Seafood Crepe (located in the Appetizer section) the Grilled Pork Loin with Fig and Walnut Ravioli and the Rib Eye.  Each dish completely different, each dish completely fantastic.

The Crepe was very dainty and tasty.  It was filled with lobster and shrimp had a similar taste to a Crab Rangoon.  It was very familiar.  Wafa loved it.  The Rib Eye was covered with a massive handful of onion rings, which were delicious and served with a side of asparagus.  Roomie couldn't even make it half way through the Rib Eye.  It was a whole lot of food.

The Pork Loin and Ravioli dish that I had was really good and inventive.  The pork was cooked perfectly with the bone in.  And what was interesting about the Fig and Walnut Ravioli (portion of 3 on the plate) was that the cheese was crumbled on the outside, on the plate, rather than stuffed inside the pasta.  I liked that.  I mean, I like ravioli pretty much any way.  Traditional, of course.  But this funky twist was enjoyable.

No glutinous feast would be complete without the brilliant idea to order dessert.  The Death By Chocolate was an exceptional way to end our evening.  A delicious chocolate brownie covered in hot fudge sauce (we believe it's Smucker's) and topped with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.  Rich, sweet, deadly, addicting, ohmygodgiveittomenow.  Yes.  Tasty.

So, to sum it up, 'buds, 224 offers well rounded meals if you're making a night of it, or a cozy bar area for a couple quick drinks.  Either way, make sure you order something. To err is human.  To not order food at 224 is barbaric. 

Thank you and goodnight!

(updated version with photos to come.)

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