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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

March 27, 2011

Wicked good Sangria, but don't ask to "hold' anything on the menu @ Wicked Fire Kissed Pizza.

A night of catching up with old gal pals is always fun.  Of course there is going to be a lot of chatter, snacking and cocktailing.  It's nights like this that make it really hard to order because you get distracted with stories and memories and "Oh ya, whatever happened to...", etc, etc. 

Another thing that makes it hard to order?  The fact that at Wicked Fire Kissed Pizza you're encouraged, outright, not to make any changes or substitutions to any menu items.  While I respect a chef's creativity and the right to suggest, if you tell me not to do something, I'm going to want to.  Damn that hot burner on the stove!

Luckily one thing that we could order with no hesitations was the Sangria!  Tasty and inventive in presentation.  Each order is served to you in a glass with a personal decanter that spins on the table like a top.  It's impressive. 

So want to know more?  Stay tuned, forks & 'buds!  The full Revue of Wicked Fire Kissed Pizza will be up 3/28!

Teasers?  Truffled fries, burgers and liquid desserts...

3/29 - The Full Revue!  (A date later than I originally promised.)

Well, we left off at the impressive Sangria, if I remember correctly.  And I do, because I just scrolled up to make sure.  Yes, it was delicious and the presentation was something special.  The personalized decanters twirled and twirled and twirled...mostly because I kept messing with them.  Nothing broke, so it's ok.

Remember, I was with some gal pals, so we did a lot of chatting.  Somewhere between the gab fest, I managed to put in an order of Reggiano Parmesan Cheese Fries w/ Truffle Oil.  I've said it before, but yes, these are a huge craze right now and I am totally sucked in.  They're just good.  You know?  Of course they were good.  Fries, sprinkled cheese, all works, it's all good.  Moving on.

Entrees were a little harder to settle on, as we found many things we liked, but were put off by the 1 ingredient that we'd normally ask to omit.  Not allowed to a Wicked.  No, no.  But I would like to point out that my meal contained chicken that is Hormone free.  Great.  Really.  I am thankful.  But you don't want to put it right there in the description, do you?  Maybe a blurb on the front page of the menu as a general statement that your shit is clean?  How about that?  I'm an idea person, what can I say.

The gals, Kate & Steph, both opted to order the Apple-Wood Bacon and Cheddar Burger and I opted for the Miso Chicken and Soba Noodle Salad.

So my hormone free chicken dish (See?  Now I can't focus on the real name.) was interesting.  The best part was the noodles and the crispy wonton garnish.  I did not touch the mixed greens or the chicken.  I mean, I did try bites, but there was a whole lot of food left on the plate.  I did not eat the whole thing.  Unsatisfying.

The burgers seemed to be a mild success.  Kate and Steph got through 1/2 each and took the rest home.  They were not the best burgers ever consumed, but good enough.

Dessert may have the best part of the meal: More drinks!  Yes, after a disappointing meal, we decided the correct thing to do was drink our dessert.  Between the 3 of us, we got 3 martinis: The Creamsicle, The Chocolate Milk and the Lemon Drop.  All were so good and if any of us were sick, we definitely caught some germs that night.  Lots of sharing the drinks.  They're all self explanatory by their names.  The one the stood out the most was the Chocolate Milk.  As a lover of real life chocolate milk, this martini was tops.  Dangerous, for sure, as it is hard to tell that it is laced with Kahlua!  "Give me a milk...chocolate.".

Ahhh...writing this blog was not as exciting for me, as Wicked is not exciting for me.  If you do go, I'd suggest sticking to pizza.  The basics, too.  Avoid the fancy, shmancy ones.  The outcome is not predicted to be favorable.

I should point out this was my 2nd outing to Wicked, and the first one was not a success, either.  There was a Tuna Steak Sandwich gone all wrong.  I can't even write about it.

Now I'm depressed.  And hungry. 

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