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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

March 8, 2011

The (South) Shore Part III

To answer your question, I did do a lot more than eat this weekend. I walked a dog, I cleaned up after a teenager, I elevated my ankle that is banged up from a soccer injury. Caught up on a couple movies and the most recent episode of the Jersey Shore, played some Cityville. But Sunday was my last night in the DUX, so I had to make sure I had one more really good meal.

I was lucky enough to be joined by Sister & Iesha for one final south shore dinner at Orta in Pembroke. This place comes highly recommended by MA, the ScanClan Matriarch. It is one of her favorite local spots.

The interior is so nice and dark. They have the most beautiful candelabra over the main dining room that I have ever seen. I mean, I'm just there for the food, but it really stood out. There are also 2 bars. One in the front, one in the back. We were seated in one of the alcoves on the side, which was really nice. Felt like we had our own little private party. I think we thought we were our own private party because the rum & cokes and processecos were going down nice!
But let's get down to business, shall we?  It's great that the place is pretty and the drinks were good.  But we mostly care about the food.  And let me tell you, there was lots of it. 
To start we had the Gorgonzola Crostini (a small plate) and the Eggplant Millefoglie (Antipasti).  Both were the prefect size to split amongst 3 of us.  The crostini came out in serving of 2, with honey drizzled all over the plate.  We all agreed that the ratio of cheese to bread was not equal.  The slice of cheese was much too thick, but the more honey you added the crostini, the milder the cheese became.  It was definitely an enjoyable snack once that was all worked out.  I never would think to incorporate honey with cheese.  Looks like I will be from now on, though.  It was so good.
The eggplant dish was basically a slice of noodless lasagna.  Slices of baked eggplant were layered with mozzerella and baked with marinara sauce.  It was great.  Familiar.  Definitely tasted like there was a little Italian grandmother in the kitchen whipping this up.  I think it's safe to say that this was our favorite starter.
There was a lot to consider for the entrees.  I was definitely thrown off when I heard one of the specials was my beloved butternut squash ravioli - and I LOVE specials.  But I figured I should try a dish on their menu, since it was my first time at Orta.  What I ended up ordering was phenomenal!  The Wild Mushroom Ravioli in a Mascarpone, Parmesan, Herb sauce.  Holy smokes, it was insane.  This is where cream sauces belong (not on haddock - see Part II)!!!  Everyone one of us gals loved it.  Yes, there was lots of taste testing going on.  I think the herb that stood out most in the sauce was the basil.  Perfect.  It would be hard not to order this again.
Iesha opted for the Gnocchi Alla Sorrentina in a Tomato, Mozz, Basil cream sauce.  This  was definitely a huge hit with us all.  The gnocchi were perfect, not too heavy and the sauce was delicious.  I even liked the hunks of roasted tomato, which added texture.  There was definitely a lot of, "Do you mind if I just try one more bite?" going on between Sister and myself.  The dish was very pretty to look at, too.  The sauce was a very appetizing orangey-pink and just looking at it, you knew it was going to be crazy good.
Sister went a little low key and got the traditional Margherita Pizza.  I think she may have thought it would be a bar style size, but it was more realistically like a medium size pizza.  I don't know how, but I found room to have a slice and I liked it.  It was thin crusted and the fresh basil was very pleasing.  I think it would make a great lunch.  There was leftover,s though, so we brought that home for young Ryan, which he demolished.  So it also gets the seal of approval from a growing boy.
I was really glad I convinced Sister and Iesha to take this final journey with me on a Sunday night, knowing work was just hours away.  Whatever sleep we missed, I'd say that it was worth it.  Our 'buds definitely didn't mind!
...jeez...I haven't even gotten to dessert yet, have I???  My belly feels full just typing this.  But the blog must go on.  For dessert we ordered the Cannolis, which was a serving of 2, dipped in chocolate chips.  Totally winning, people.  I love the chocolate chip factor.  Poor Sister opted out of the cannoli portion of the evening, which she later regretted.  That's life, Sister.  That's life.  Gotta take the opportunities when they present themselves, otherwise, you're gonna be left behind and cannoli-less.  Hey, I'm older and wiser.  I know you don't turn down the cannoli.  You never turn down the cannoli.  Let's consider this a life lesson.
I give Orta my #1 rank out of all the South Shore dining I did this weekend.  I cannot wait to go back and have some more insane pasta and small plates.  Next time a bottle of wine is in order, as well.  This feels like the type of place where you just have to.  And I don't always feel like this.
Ok!  Thanks for checking my 3 part revue, 'buds.  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, even though I actually got to do the eating and you just do the reading, which now doesn't seem fair.  I should erase this paragraph and start over...
PS - I'm going to Fleming's this week, as part of my Final Four contest.  Check back by Thursday evening to catch that Revue and see how it scored!!!


  1. Orta !! When you come back I am joining you !! one of our go to restaurants -- always good. The goat cheese canoli appetizer is one of my favorites ! - next time get it ... and the Martinis are quite good as well ! M.A. from the scanclan.

  2. I just read this to my fellow co- workers and now we are all hungry, drooling and planning to go there sometime.
    PS one co-worker is headed to Flemings this weekend, so we are anxiously awaiting your review!!!
    BLOG fast please!!
