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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

March 1, 2011

The results are IN! My Final Four are...

Hey buds!  The Final Four have been picked! 

Thanks to each and every participant.  And if you dont see your entry/name below, fear not my 'buds!  I am going to be doing more and more of these contests, based on how much fun we had putting this one together.  Roomie and I had a blast anticipating this day and so have my readers.  I really appreciate it!

Ok, enough of the flowery yadda-yadda...Onto the Final Four!

Villa Roma
Flemings 217
Cronins Pub
Cantina Ristorante

I will be hitting up each of these restaurants this month...I am wicked excited.  My 'buds are doing a little dance.  Keep checking back here and on FB to find read about my revues of each and see how the Final Four will pan out.

March is looking really yummy!!!  Stay tuned, 'buds!

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