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Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

March 14, 2011

Sauced at Sidebar, Pom Frites & Waffles at Saus

Are you going to be in the Fanuiel Hall area anytime soon? If you are, go to Saus and see the fun for yourself. I had been planning my trip there for a few days and wasn't going to let anyone or anything stop me from getting my frites and waffles on. I wasn't even going to let 3 pitchers and 2 tequila shots at Sidebar stop me!

Let's back up. The night started at an annual St. Patty's day shindig thrown by my friends. It was my 3rd year in a row heading to SideBar with a charitable donation in hand and a thirst for lots of beers.  Sidebar is a nice little, unassuming baaaah with 2 bars in 2 long seperate rooms, potty in the basement.  Lots of video game machines in the first room with bench style seating along the walls.  Nice place for after work drinks.  And a nice place to offer up their space to a couple of guys looking to host a St. Patty's day celebration with a $10 cover going to the charity of their choice.  Happy to be there and happy to donate. 

What I like most about Sidebar is the pitcher.  Love the pitcher of beer.  Can more places bring back the pitchers, please???  To be honest, the best thing about being at Sidebar is the friends and the camaraderie.  And they don't kick you out for singing off key score!

So that pretty much sums up Sidebar!  Yup!  It's an ok spot but with the right amount of friends, you can have a blast anywhere!

Let's move back to the beginning then and talk about this hip little place Saus, which thankfully is open until 2am on Saturday nights.  Of course my pals and I were there for the late night, soak up the booze type of snacking.  But you should be going here for breakfast, for lunch, for mid day snacking during a shopping trip. 

I'm often told that I set my expectations way too high and get overly excited about mundane things.  Well screw they nay-sayers because this time I was dead on.  The frites and waffles came through and then some. 

Boston's 1st Belgian Street Food!!!
33 Union St  Boston MA
Mon-Thurs 11am-midnight  Fri & Sat 11am-2am  Sun 12pm-9pm

To see what Saus has to offer aside from frites and waffles, check out the link that I listed up top.  But to see what me and my cohorts chomped on, keep on reading, 'buds!  (Pay close attention to the dipping sauce names on the website, btw.  I love the detail of this!  You'll see.)

I had it in my head that we shouldn't all order tons of waffles, but that we should pick our favorites and share - no duplicating.  The frites?  I said every man for themselves on that one.  I can frite like no other.  So we ended up with:

The Salted Carmel waffle, the Nutella waffle and the Lemon waffle.  And of course we had the frites with the Vampire Slayer dipping sauce (garlic of course).

Each base waffle was made from the same dough, not batter.  They were extremely crunchy on the outside and super soft on the inside.  Perfect.  Each one had just enough sauce so it wasn't drowning.

My favorite waffle was the Nutella covered waffle.  It tasted like a fried dough sundae, minus the ice cream.  The Salty Carmel was 2nd in line in placing.  I loved the sweet and salty combo-so good.  And the caramel was nice and soft - no broken teeth.  The only one I wasn't over the moon for was the Lemon sauce.  It was a bit too sour for me and my 'buds. 

The frites were insanely good and I looked like a crazy person stuffing them in my face.  The Vampire Slayer dipping sauce was perfect and I can't be any clearer on how I feel.  GOOD stuff.

I am dying to go back and try the Poutine, so another trip is order.  I also plan to try the Mixed Berry waffles and other dipping sauces for my frites. 

Hoping people like this place and go back often because I do not want it go anywhere. 

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