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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

March 16, 2011

Part II - Trattoria Il Panino, The Final Course

Finally!!!  I am no longer full from my dinner on Monday night @ Trattoria Il Panino.  It took forever to get my appetite back and I mean that as the highest compliment.

So after a little research, I still couldn't come up with the copy of the exact menu we ordered from.  But what I did realize is that they were normal, everyday menu items.  Lucky us!

To recap Part I, we had already had the bottle of wine, appetizer and Primi (pasta course).  It's hard to believe we could possibly find the room in our bellies for Secondi.  Thankfully, the portions served are nice demur and humble in size, but not in flavor.

I opted for the swordfish dish, Pesce Spada, with fresh mint and balsamic on the side.  The fish itself was lightly coated in olive oil, little salt and flaked apart like Salmon.  I loved the side of beets, which were nice and cold.  They tasted so fresh and potatoey.  Simple, small and excellent.  It was a great finale for me.  For the table we also finished with the Vitello Saltimbocca and a fabulous Chicken Dish, still undetermined.  The Veal Saltimbocca was standard: sage, fontina, prosciutto.  Normally I really enjoy this veal dish, but that night it was too salty for my 'buds.  The parents, however, pinned this as their winner.  The plate was spotless, ready for someone else to use. 

The mystery Chicken, which we cannot locate, was absolutely incredible.  The chicken was pounded super thing and served with a light brown broth and mushrooms.  It wasn't a brandy or a Marsala, but it was very familiar.  Without the menu I am going to be pulling my hair out trying to remember what it was.  What I can confirm, that is was delicious.  ***I'll be in the North End tonight, so I can pop over and track this down like the good food stalker that I am.  Then I'll be able to sleep at night.

Dessert - ha!  We went down swinging, but dessert got the best of us.  We could not finish our Chocolate Creme Brulee, topped with strawberries, but did we ever try.  I would like to point out that I've never had a cholocate brulee, but it was the first time I ever enjoyed the combo of strawberries and chocolate.  It was very rich and I could hardly manage one bite.  All those courses....yikes!  Thank you, but that is a lot of food.

I highly suggest a visit in the near future for you all.  Trattoria Il Panino is still my #1 all time fav, even if they did try to kill me.


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