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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

March 2, 2011

Some things Boston Revue readers can expect to see this Spring/Summer

Self-imposed activites that involve sun, food, cocktails and friends?  "WINNING!"  I'm so excited about my upcoming projects.  I must have tiger blood running through my veins...rawr?

Whilst (awesome word) in the midst of my Final Four challenge (see previous blog entries), I have cooked up more ideas that I'm really excited about.  I hope you will be, too!  And hey, you can even be involed, if you like.  Interactive blogging!  Winning!!!  I just blinked and the idea came to me.  I'm such a goddess.

Keep reading to see my upcoming challenges and how/if you can be involved!

The Uncle Challenge
During the weeks leading up to the Final Four challenge, I got an email from my uncle, who suggested I a pull an all nighter, much like he is known for doing, and hit 4 spots in one night!  He then gave me a run down of the places to go and why(I'll fill you in later on that).  Immediately I thought, "Wow, I have to make sure I try all these places.".  Let's just say when it comes to food, quality and locations, Uncle knows what he's talking about.  He means business.  SO!  I am self-inflicting the Uncle Challenge - 4 restaurants in 1 night!  For now, the 4 restaurants/details are going to remain underwraps, as I map out when I can make this happen...Ok, let's be honest.  I'm waiting for the warm weather.  I want to hop on my T and trapse around my city in sandals.  I'm so sick of claudhopping boots and full on snow gear.  This is definitely one to stay tuned for, 'buds: Boston Revue vs. The Uncle Challenge...can I do it? (The interative part is that I might recruit YOU to join me!!!)

The Boston Outdoor Challenge
Around May you'll see more details for this one.  Again, I'm holding out for the warm weather.  Hey, I am a huge fan of having things to look forward to, okay?!  Here is what I can share for now, which could give those of you who care a slight advantage!
1. This challenge is to combine my loves of outdoor eating/drinking and learning about new places in Boston.
2. I will be asking my readers and Facebook friends for suggestions of places in Boston that offer outdoor seating.  Of the suggestions I receive, I will pick 5 - 10 (TBD) of these places, go and then blog about them to create: Boston Revue's Guide to Summer.  Of the places selected to be included, I will pick a favorite based on a similar rating system to the Final Four challenge.  The place that earns the #1 spot will earn the person who suggested it a gift card (amount/location TBD b/c I want to think of something realllly good).
3. The interactive part here, is that you get to participate and could potentially win the #1 spot/prize.

Just typing this up makes me think about beers on a patio, sundresses and t-shirts.  I think I can smell sunscreen, too.  Jeez...Well, I hope you're looking forward to these adventures in dining as much as I am!!!

-This blog was brought to you from the Sober Valley Lodge and is filled with violent love.

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