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April 12, 2011

Bon Caldo - Italiano Delicioso in the 'Burbs

Bon Caldo
1381 Providence Highway (Rt 1)
Norwood, MA

Norwood isn't just home to the AutoMile, 'buds.  Rt 1 is also clad with some great restaurants.  And I'm not talking TGIWhatever's.  Right next to Skye sits a homey and delicious Italian spot called Bon Caldo.  If you know where Skye is, and everyone seems to, then you know where Bon Caldo is.  Don't over look it.

Inside you'll find a dining room with nice white linens and comfortable seating surrounded by a cozy fireplace and lighting.  The waitstaff is extremely knowledgeable and prompt!  And patient...because I was taking forever order and none of us could decide on drinks.

This venture to Bon Caldo was alongside some good friends who are huge fans and frequest guests.  PRG & Sassy are creatures of habit who favor Bon Caldo's Gnocchi di Ricotta.  I always knew this was their dish.  I considered ordering it myself.  But listen, 'buds, if you're reading this blog, you know by now I am not a shy dining companion.  I'm eating off your plate.  So I decided not to be a copy cat and try something else.

I asked the waitress about the Risotto del Giorno.  No, she did not tell me it was the Risotto of the day.  But she did inform us that it was going to be Risotto with Monkfish.  Sold.  Never had Monkfish, so that settled that. 

While patiently, and hungrily, waiting, we had wine and bread, which was served with a chilled tomato sauce.  I liked it a lot.  Good spice to it.  And when the wine ran out, I completely copied PRG's next drink order.  The name was what did it.  Anything called an Italian Sling sounds like a must.  This drink is comprised of gin (another gin drink reels me in! see the Woodward blog), grenedine, club soda, cherry brandy and tuaca (a citrusy vanilla liqueur).  So tasty and dangerous.  Goes down easy, like a slush.  Such a creative concoction.  Gin!  I hate Gin!  But again, not in this cocktail.

And the food arrived in such style, presented on gleaming white plates.  My Gnocchi friends were pleased, as the dish looked and tasted just as times past, which is perfect.  It was at this time I realized the Gnocchi were made with Ricotta and not potatoPRG was gracious enough to allow me first dibs, so I took just one dumpling, covered in marinara.  It was insane.  Ricotta gnocchi are softer than anything I have ever eaten and the sauce is great.  I wanted to say that the dumpling was as soft as a marshmallow, but it was even softer.  Airy and light, which is exactly what you want.  Crazy.

My risotto was so creamy and delish.  The Monkfish was definitely good, although it truly smelled fishy.  Overall, that didn't really matter because it tasted great.  As this was my first encounter, I found monkfish to be similar to lobster, in look and texture.  Although not as chewey.  Remember, I don't like lobster, but I did like this Monkfish.  Specifically, it reminded most of the tail of a lobster.  Mixed in with the creamy rice, it was really nice.

3 people can eat and drink well and for a reasonable price at Bon Caldo.  Make the trip over the time you're over at ol' Ernie Boch or Home Depot.  You can try TGI-Whosie's some other time.


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