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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

August 19, 2010

South End the South End, surprisingly

I'm not usually one who usually speaks her mind...(hahahaha!)  But these are the best damn cupcakes I have ever eaten.

The South End Buttery is a cutie little place on Shawmut Ave in the S. End of Boston that I found on a whim.  Over a year ago I wanted to buy a treat to bring to a welcome-home outing for our friend and hero, Greg, who was just coming home from Iraq.  It had to be something easy to transport and pleasing to many people.  So I did a Google search for cupcakes in the Boston area.  And yes, Johnny Cupcakes did come up in the search, and no I did not get fooled.

After much stalking and deep thought, I settled on the Buttery because I liked what they had to offer.  There is always 4 standard flavors avaiable: Vanilla, Red Velvet, Carrot Cake and Chocolate.  I got all 4 of these, but I also ordered 2 specialty flavors.  The Strawberry Shortcake and the Lemon-Raspberry

Can I just tell you something?  That was the best decision I have ever made in my life...or at least tied with the decision to move into the city, so I am now a mere 10 minute T ride away from the Buttery!!!

Of course the 4 standards were a hit.  You cannot go wrong with those classics.  The carrot cake and the red velvet both had the cream cheese frostings...but it tasted like cream cheese flavored whipped cream, which in my book is a great plot twist.  It was very unexpected but entirely welcome, as frosting is not one of my most favorites things (but neither is schnitzel with noodles).  And if I am not mistaken...we were wearing most of the frosting by the end of the night, rather than eating.  Hey, what welcome home party is not complete without a food fight in a public, crowded bar?

Moving on to the Speciality flavors.  The likes of these have to be ordered in advance and are not available at walk-in.  Again, it was the best decision I ever made to order these cupcakes.  The shortcake and the lemon-rasp are tied for first place as my favorites.  The cake was fluffy and elves were the size of a softball.  For the shortcake, the frosting was that light whipped cream, which was slightly vanilla flavored.  The same goes for lemon-rasp, but the whipped cream was slightly lemon flavored.  Amazing.  Really.  Top notch.

Recently, Boyfriend (who has now been upgraded to Roomie) and I took a nice city stroll over to the Buttery to get some treats.  He got the carrot cake and I, the red velvet.  The frosting and cake were as good as we remembered.  We even got stopped on the street by strangers to ask where we got our snackies.  When we mentioned the Buttery, they just nodded and said, "Oh yeah.", as if there couldn't be another place in the world making such yumness.

I highly suggest making a special trip for these or ordering them for your next event.  See their website for more Specialty cupcakes. 

Have your cupcakes and eat 'em, too, people!  Enjoy!  Me and my 'buds always do.

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