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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

August 25, 2010

The best of 2 worlds; A Thai and Sushi time!

Where: Montien 63 Stuart Street
Who: Me & Roomie
What: Thai & Sushi! The best of both worlds!!!
Why: Because every time we go to the AMC in Boston Common, this is where we eat!
How Much: Never more than $40 - $50 a visit

Living in the city and having a Roomie who is heavily into movies means I am going to do a lot of sitting in dark theaters.  My favorite activities involve taking advantage of the city life, eating, chatting, walking around.  So I had to find a place near the AMC theater at Park Street where we could get in a compromise for nights like this.  A movie for him, food for me.  To Google, I went.

What I found was a long list of little delis and bars, most of which I've been to.  But then, once I manuevered around the Google map, I found Montien, right in the theater district. The power of Google. I LOVE YOU GOOGLE! Romantic.

What appealed to us was the fact that Montien offers Thai food….AND SUSHI. Two of our most favorite things over the past few years. What I like about Thai is that the dishes are often sweet and spicy. What I like about Sushi is that it's awesome. The combination kicks some serious sak-ieister. ( <--Did that go over well?) Now that we're frequent diners, we always get the same waitress, which is a fun bonus. She always remembers us and tends to take good care of us.

Because we go all the time and have had many dishes, I think I'll do this post in list format. Just list 'em all out there and tell you how we felt/feel about the dishes. Get your chopsticks and ready and enjoy!

Pad Thai (with Chicken and/or Veggies): If Roomie had his way, it'd be just chicken w/ his Pad Thai Noodles. If I had my awesome way, it'd be just veggies. So we get the best of both worlds…both. Both is a funny word. Say it a few times. It's weird…where was I? Ah yes. This dish is really good. Lots of noodles and goodness dumped piping hot on a huge serving dish to share. Very delicious and enough to have leftovers for you lunch the next day.

Crispy Chicken: This item is a little deceiving…Think of the name. Crispy Chicken…but the chicken is NOT crispy. The noodles are. They're pan fried. Unless we got the wrong dish, this one is not good. To me. Roomie highly enjoyed his crispy noodles. Thankfully he added shrimp and I added veggies to this peanuty flavored dish. Me, I ate the chicken, lots of the broccoli, peppers…basically everything but the noodles and shrimp. Roomie enjoyed it all. But we had much debate over if we got the right meal, if we ordered it wrong and if we'd had it before…it was a very chatty meal, let's just put it that way! I have to say that the chicken tasted delicious. It was not breaded and covered in the peanuty sauce, similar to a Pad Thai sauce.

Chic-Chic Hot Basil: Ooooooo! Holy eastern philosophy! This dish is my fav, fav, favorite! The chicken is lightly breaded, the veggies are tempura style and the sauce is…sweet and Xtra spicy! Definitely a lot of chili action happening. A huge winner in my book. Roomie is just so-so on this one. And again, the portions are so huge, there are always leftovers.

H07 Negi Hama Maki (Yellow Tail w/ Scallion Roll): No matter what the entrĂ©e is, we always order a round or two of sushi. And let me tell you, the sushi is going to stop the chatter for a few minutes. The pieces are the size of a sand dollar and it takes about 2.5 minutes to get through one piece. Now this isn't a bad thing. The sushi is quite good…just a lot to handle. In regards to Yellow Tail, I am not a fan of it anywhere. Please don't take that into consideration when ordering it here. Roomie is a huge fan of it. In fact, I believe it's his most favorite sushi. And I can say that he really enjoyed it at Montien.

H12 Sake Maki (Salmon Roll): Another roll that is not my fav, but one Roomie loves. It's spicy, that's for sure. Lots of cucumber packed into every roll to give a good crunch, which is nice to offset the other textures.

H14 Tekka Maki (Tuna Roll): Finally!!! My most favorite sushi roll of all time. Of all time. And the spicier, the better. (Whoever invented spicy mayo, can I just applaud you right now? Seriously. Take a bow my friend.) And although it takes me forever to get through one piece, I really like it. We get this one every time. I do wish they'd have something crunch in the roll, like some tempura pieces. But the lack of this would not stop me from ordering it at all.

Now that I think of it…this revue may end up being a rolling revue. I can say for certain that we'll be going back in the near future and that there will be other menu items to revue. So definitely keep your 'buds on the look out for that.

It has to be said that we've never had dessert at this spot, as we always end up with snacks at our movie. Roomie w/ his industrial size popcorn, and I with my skittles. And yes…we share.

Montien gets 8 wasabi nuggets from this gal! I now have to go make out with Google.

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