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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

August 16, 2010

Ivy's - Restaurant Week 8/15/10

The Haps: Ivy Restaurant - 49 Temple Place in Downtown Crossing
Peeps: Yours truly, L, SJ & SJ's coworker Melissa from E. Walpole
Cheddah: $33.10/per person (the usual Restaurant Week Prix Fixe rate)
Chow: Caprese Salad, Grilled Italian Street Corn, Seafood Caponata, Gnocchi x 3, Spicy Chocolate Strawberry & Lemoncello Gelato Sundae

Hello forks! How long has it has been? (That was rhetorical...please don't ask me to figure out how long. I'm good with a fork, not a calculator.)

Do you ever see something happen that is out of your control and wish you could go back in time and stop it from happening? Or at least, have the power to stop yourself from seeing it unfold? I sort of wished I had that ability Sunday night at dinner. I should have seen the inclinations that things would go badly when our cutie little waitress told us it was her first night...

...mama mea culpa!

Me and my girls were hitting up Ivy's for Restaurant week.  To see the full Prix Fixe menu, hit up the link I provided up top. I ordered the Caprese salad by default, as Melissa from Walpole and SJ ordered the Street Corn. The Caprese was...Capboring. The mozz and basil were fine, but the tomatoes were oddly breaded in a manor that tasted unfinished. And they put enough balsamic on the plate to satisfy an ant who's had a lap band installed. C'mon Ivy!!! Gimme the balsamic. Think more along the lines of 19 Kids and Counting, ok? Thanks.

But I've gotta tell ya...the Street corn was corn-tastic. Whew! I cannot wait to try to replicate and fail! The appetizer came out in 2 small ears per serving. It was oily, cheesy and paprika-y. It definitely won the table's vote for best app.

You know that song from Sesame St...One of These Things is Not Like the Other? Well, that was me when it came to Entree time. I was the only gal to order the Seafood Caponata. This meal consisted of a buttery, citrusy herb sauce, papardelle pasta and an entire aquarium of seafood. Mussels, shrimp, lobster and scallops. I do not like lobster and shrimp, but my theory for restaurant week is to pick the pick that is most outside my comfort zone. Mussels were not something I'd really tried before...I have to say, if you drown them in enough sauce, they're great! My prior stance on lobster and shrimp were not changed. And the scallops were perfect. The dish was outta this ocean! Oh...and it came out of the kitchen hot...

...The Gnocchi, not so much. There was much promise for the Gnocchi in a red sauce w/ basil and riccotta...but man. Those balls were cold. It pained to me watch my friends suffer through their cold dinners while I feasted like royalty. Oh wait...yup, there it is. We finally got our bread! (Which was worth the wait, btw! Great dipping oil.) It turned out that the Gnocchi gals mentioned the cold entrees to our waitress, who looked ready to pose for a DUI mug shot. It was a sight I cannot erase from my memory.

But this was not quite as awkward as the hot mess I witnessed when she spilled 4 shots of Limoncello all over herself at the bar. It was more embarrassing than Keanu Reeves' acting. I felt the embarrassment in my neck and shoulders. It was really hard to watch. Turns out, though, those 4 shots of Limoncello were for our table, "for the aggravation". Very thoughtful...and tasty! The desserts came out shortly after and we all began scooping the Limoncello gelato into our shots. Booze-floats! A nice grown-up alternative to the ice cream floats of childhood...or 4 days ago. Whatever. After leaving the restaurant I realized what I'd specifically ordered was the Lemoncello Gelato Sundae...there was no sign of Sundae in the dish. Just the gelato and a frozen grape.

Overall, my tastebuds give the meal many burps (a huge compliment in some cultures). I give the service #1 status on the all-time awkward dining moments of...all-time. So go to Ivy, for sure. Just take the service with a grain of fresh cracked sea salt.

(O, and for those keeping track, noticing I didn't detail details about the Chocolate Covered Strawberry...take that for what it's worth.)

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