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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

November 23, 2010

Well pilgrims, it's almost that time of year again!  I mean, for the rest of the world, it'll just be regular  November 25th.  But for us freedom lovers, it's the day we break out the good china and silverware, loosen our belts and OD on pie and football; it's Thanksgiving!  High-five, America!

I actually don't eat turkey on Thanksgiving.  Partly because I don't like it and partly because I'm afraid of Turkeys.  Did you know that live turkeys plague my office campus?  They travel in packs and they are often angry.  I've seen them fight, I've seen them fly and I've seen them chase each other.  They're gross little buggers.

Most of you know of my mashed potato obsession.  I usually stuff my face with starches on turkey day.  I like to take the potatoes, stuffing and corn and mash it all together and eat a lovely little side dish medley.  So, suck it Boston Market and KFC!  I was making these combos before you even started selling real meat!

Growing up, many of our Thanksgivings were also graced w/ a nice traditional...lasagna.  Hey, I have a little Italian grandmother.  The pilgrims would have loved her.  I think a lot of families do untraditional favorites of their own, too! 

Oh hey (insert coy light bulb here)!  Since I have this handy-dandy blog, why not share your favorite part about Thanksgiving in the "COMMENTS" section, below?  I would love to have some blogging interaction. 

Feel free to share anything you want about Thanksgiving, what your family eats, recipes, general comments, etc.  And check back often to see what people are saying!  It's fun!  Don't be shy!  It's the internet, no one can see you!

Gooble, gooble, tastebuds! 


  1. This year I am making a Sweet Potato Cheesecake for Thanksgiving. I hope it's good. If so, I'll share the recipe on this blog before the end of the month. If it's not good, I'll cry.

  2. i love how this thanksgiving i'll be showing everyone the video of Nana dougie-ing haha and if you're cheesecake isnt good ill cry with you. just kidding, im sure it'll be amazinggg!!
