Location: Accapulco's Norwood
Meal: Cena
Dining Companion: Mi Hermana
Cost of 2 Meals & 2 Margaritas: $36.00
La comeda es muy buena @ Accapulco's! And according to mi hermana, the Norwood location beat out the Franklin and Weymouth locations in regards to layout and decor. I agree that I liked this location a lot because it was not as dark inside as the Franklin location. I didn't feel like I was in a cave. Plus, we sat at a high top bar table, so we were where the action was, which as you know, is good for me because I enjoy the over stimulation.
First of all, when the waiter asked us if we wanted complimentary chips and salsa, Hermana and I looked at him as if to say, "Does Rose Kennedy own a black dress?". Um, Si, papi, we need el chip-os. Mucho, grande...give us the chips! ...We needed a second round after about ocho minutes.
It took forever to order, not any fault of the staff, but because Hermana had to run to the car...then, oh, she had to run to the bathroom. When hungry, I do not like to be kept waiting...actually I do not like to be kept waiting, period. No bueno. But finally we got around to ordering traditional Margaritias, on the rocks with salt. Yes, I got a margarita. And guess what? I liked it. It was super delicioso. Oh, and we got some dinner, too! Hermana ordered the Chicken Avocado salad, at my suggestion. And I ordered the Fajita Quesadillas with steak (you could choose between steak and chicken).
Chicken Avocado Salad: A large salad of lettuce, diced tomatoes and cheese in a taco shell bowl, covered in breaded chicken and avocado, sour cream on the side. I had thrown out this suggestion to Hermana because I'd had it a couple years back and loved it because it was covered in avocado, one of my favorite things. This time, however, the salad had Dos, count 'em, Dos slices of avocado. Very disproportionate to the 758 pieces of chicken on the salad. So that was sad. Hermana aslo wondered where the salad dressing was? But I am pretty sure that this is not the type of salad you douse in Ken's Italian dressing. So she took some salsa and poured it all over, which I think was the right move. The chicken was delicious, however, the meal was not a hit for mi hermana. She was mucho disappointed. But she ate the whole thing.
Fajita Quesadillas (steak): 6 big quesadilla slices filled with steak, cheese and caramelized onions and peppers, sour cream and guacamole on the side. First thing is first. I have to get this off my chest...Why was the guacamole watery? Que? Maybe I'm used to my own recipe, which is on the chunky side and mucho garlicy? Hmmm. This was a pickle, which no, was not served on the side of my dish. The Quesadilla itself was great, although I wish it had come with a side of rice or something. Hermana did not like my meal because she is not into steak. I, however, am very into steak. And cheese. And onion and peppers. And, like I just said 30 seconds ago, it was great. So filling, too. I could only finish 3 slices. I brought the rest home to mi padre. Knowing him, he took the mexican left overs and dumped marinara sauce and mustard all over it. He's got weird taste buds...and I'm drifting away from my point...Which was what?
Did I mention that staff called us Senoritas all night? We both thought that was unnecessary. It was seemed forced and awkward, like it's written into their work agreements. "If you work at this mexican restaurant, you must address all customers as Senorita or Senor.". No bueno.
Final Verdict: I give Accapulco's Dos Maricahis. Not bad, but not great. I would go there again, if someone else suggested it. But it's not my first choice.