When you're bored at night and need some noise in the background b/c you're the worst sleeper known to man, you tend to watch a lot of Gilmore Girls. Am I right or am I right? It's especially easy when you own every Season on DVD. 7 seasons in all. And the more I watch and re watch I notice many, many pop culture topics, phrases and "zingers" are used repetitively throughout the seasons. Below is a list of all things repetitive in the world of the Gilmore Girls, whose main stars are Lorelai and her daughter Lorelai...
(Side note: On the show, Lorelai and Rory are huge eaters w/ appetites that should be studied at MIT by men in white coats. If they were real people, I think they'd dig my blog.)
-Hemingway. I can think of 2 episodes in season 4 where is Ernest is brought up for one reason or another.
-Madeline Albright. Not only is her name tossed around in season 5, but she also makes a guest appearance in season 6.
-Hitler and Stalin. YES. Both of these gents are mentioned so frequently, I would go as far as to say that you'll hear these monikers at least once per season. At least!
-Helmut Newton. "Leave the whips and chains at home."
-Side Cars and Rob Roys. These cocktails are thrown around a lot.
-Bowie. Several references. Ground control to major tom. Suffragette City. Talks about Bowie dressed up like a Spaceman, NOT a pirate.
-Suffragette. The city, the sister. You name it, the Gilmores get it in there.
-The Sound of Music. Season 2, Season 4 and Season 7...off the top of my head.
-Bono. Lorelai's Ryan Adams, if you will.
-Elvis Costello. I've never heard his name on the show. However, I've seen his poster in a dorm room in season 4 and heard his song in seasons 1 and 2.
-Proust. Someone always has their nose in their Proust.
-"Stella!". Season 2 and Season 3.
-Judy Garland. Comparisons, watching A Star is Born, talking about Seconal. Wizard of Oz is thrown in, too, but never in regards to Judy.
-Juddisim. Although the Gilmores are not Jewish, they sure know a lot about the culture and use the jargon. They also own a dancing rabbi.
-The Bee Gees. Someone always looks like the 4th Bee Gee or someone is dancing to Shadow Dancing.
-Wilco. Several songs are featured throughout the show, including a cover of Big Star's Thirteen.
-"Let's shall". A common Lorelai witticism.
-Marion Ross. She plays 2 characters. Gran and Aunt Marilyn.
-Sherrilyn Finn. She plays Jess' dad's girlfriend in season 3 and Luke's baby daddy in season 6 and 7.
-Samantha Shelton. In season 1 she plays a debutante at a Coming Out gala and in season 6 she plays a drunken bridesmaid. Not the same character.
-Sweety. On multiple occasions this name is used for the name of a friend in a story or for someone checking into the Inn.
-Nico. The off key beauty is mentioned at length.
-Elizabeth Taylor. She is always referenced, especially when the gals are talking about man troubles!
-"That's going on your tombstone.". Lorelai always manages to say something clever that Rory reminds her will go on her headstone.
-The Monkees. Last Train to Clarksville, dialogue about the opening credits of the Monkees TV show. Not to mention Carole King is on the show and she wrote their hit, Pleasant Valley Sunday, which is featured on the show.
-Neil Young. Season 1 and Season 6.
-Martha Stewart. Every season?
-Sonic Youth. They Even make an appearance on the show in season 6.
-Mary Lynn Rajskub. She makes an appearance in season 2 and season 6.
-Ab Fab! A shout out on several occasions to the British TV show!
-The Algonquin. And old watering hole for many literati such as Dorothy Parker!
-Dorothy Parker. The production company is even called: Dorothy Parker Drank Here.
-Cher. I think...every season?
-"Danger Will Robinson!". Lost in Space reference.
-Emily Post and Ms. Manners. Often compared to Emily Gilmore and her obsession with perfection.
-Hummel. There is lots of talk of these porcelain figurines...Boy with Toothache!
-Star Trek. Sulu, Spock, trekkies...they're all mentioned throughout the seasons.
-Jodie Foster. Think Panic Room and that whole pesky fiasco with President Reagan and a man with a gun. Nell, too.
-Deenie by Judy Blume. Season 3 and 6.
-Annie Hall. All the freaking time.
-Footloose. Twice in season 3. Jump back!
-Ed Wood. Twice in season 3. What is up?
-Korn. Season 3 and season 6.
-The Godfather. Constantly. Every season.
-Annie Sullivan. Helen Keller's teacher...not sure why she's got so much street cred...
-Lord of the Rings. There's even a theme party in season 4.
-Cole Porter...Every season?
-"Clandestine". The word is used a LOT.
There are many more to add to the list. If you know some, share them! But it's late and I'm hitting the bricks. And by bricks, I do not mean the awesome band that just recently rocked NH, but I mean Goodnight!
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