Locaction: Showcase Cinema in Randolph
Meal: "Dinner"
Hot Date: Boyfriend
Well folks, put your forks away because for this meal all we needed were our hands. The Luxe Level didn't turn out to be a worth while expense, so we opted for the Mid-level snack bar.
We had our choice of lovely Nathan's products, which sounds good, right? I mean, c'mon. We're at a movie theater. We know that this ain't no gourmet joint! And Nathan's hotdogs are fabulous!!! There were burgers, fries, combo plates, chicken tenders...You name the fried product, they had it. Did you guess Fried Dough? Becauase yes, they had it.
Boyfriend and I love food and love to eat, as you know. But we didn't really go as overboard as I feared. We each ordered a "dinner" and shared an appetizer. To specify: Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls, Hot Dog and Onion Rings. Mmmm...or should I say, "Mmmm, cough, hack, gross, it sucked". Oh my, bless me.
Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls: Sounds awesome, doesn't it? Buffalo chicken? I'm a fan. Egg Rolls? Delicious! Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls? Sounds Brilliant (hey, I watched Harry Potter last night, ok?)! Turns out, it was the complete opposite of Brilliant. I'd like to call the person who made them a Tosser! To be honest, the "roll" tasted like corn dog batter. It was soft and squishy. I could only manage to eat half of one before I turned to Boyfriend, smiling and saying in my most peppy voice, "You can finish it.". And yes, Boyfriend didn't care much for them, either. But he did eat them all. Don't judge him. Just don't. It's wouldn't be fair.
Hot Dog: This will hopefully be the only time I say this: That Nathan's hot dog sucked. The bun was a brick and the dog was, too. Bricky? Not awesome. But I ate the whole thing. I just...I just can't even go into anymore detail about this. It was that bad.
Onion Rings: Ah, I thought these would be my saving grace, to make my Buds (tastebuds) happy. Alas, like so many things in life, including all of Madonna's albums after Like A Prayer, they were a major dissapointment. They were flavorless. They were the most boring onion rings I've ever consumed...And I ate every last one.
I'm pretty sure I know what you're thinking. "Um...duh, it's movie theater food.". Ya, ya, I know. But you just never know where you're going to find a diamond fried product in the rough. And sure, we failed miserably this time around, but I guarantee you that it won't stop us. We will not eat quietly!
Final Verdict: No forks awarded. No napkins, either. Not even a moist towelette. Thank god we had a movie on to distract us from the awful food.
(I won't bore you with my thoughts on Harry Potter, by the way. I'll leave that to those more qualified. Hey! Speaking of which, check out the blogs I follow on the bottom right hand side. They're written by people who are definitely qualified to give you insight about books and movies!)
That's too bad that the food was awful. Good review though - you just saved me some money!
ReplyDeletedo you mind adding to your reviews a $$$ factor... ya know so we know how expensive places are... thanks - loving the blog... can't wait for some of the North End reviews !
ReplyDeleteThanks for the idea M A!!! I will definitely start doing that. I love suggestions/ideas.