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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

September 16, 2011

Fall Classics and Fun Specials @ Amrheins

since 1890
80 W Broadway
S. Boston MA
617-268-6189 - Free Shuttle service
Parking lot also available

Of our many trips to Amrheins, we've never encountered bad service.  Last weekend was no exception.  Top notch waitstaff and hosting really sets the mood when you come eat at a location rich with history.

We knew that this time of year would mean that Amrheins would have their Butternut Squash Ravis w/ chicken in a cream sauce.  And they did!  Oh man.  It is so fantasticamazing.  The best cooked chicken we've ever encountered.  But instead of ordering this, we got the Autumnal Arancini.  This was filled with rice, cranberry and cashews, seasoned to perfection and covered in the same cream sauce as the Ravis.

I died a little eating this.

Keeping with the fall favorites, the Meatloaf was also ordered.  Loved by one, not loved by the other.  The gravy was the down fall and the rave.  So go and make your own decision.

If you want dessert, the only option should be the Strawberry Shortcake. That's what we think. In our eyes, it's the only dessert that exists on the menu. That is all they need.

And while we're going to end with the appetizer, you might want to start with it.  Our favorite app is the Lobster and Crab cake, served over dressed greens with a large sea scallop on top.  Delicious.  No crazy extra fillings, light on the mayo, heavy on the perfect seasoning.  I love this appetizer.
If you're not into chowing down, go get some beers, served on the oldest hand carved bar in the city, poured out of one of the original taps.  A history lesson and a buzz!  Nice!

September 8, 2011

Owl Station

Owl Station Bar & Bistro

28 W Broadway
Boston, MA 02127
takes reservations

So a while back we hit up Owl Station, just steps away from the Broadway T Stop in Southie.  At the time of our visit, OS was brand-spanking new.  At our 6pm arrival, we got our choice of seats.  And it seemed our reservation was unnecessary.  But hey, it's always good to be prepared, Forks.

We grabbed the high top tables along the open window so we could people-watch.  But not before we inspected the joint.  The bar was long with an open floor plan.  When you turn the corner, you stumble onto a cozy area of couches and pillows and low tables.  Dancing and drinking area for late-nighters, no doubt.  Potty?  In the basement.  Very Fanieul Hall.

Service was excellent, as it wasn't too busy.  But with a group of 6 rowdy woman who spill drinks and order almost the entire menu, trust me, we put our waitress to the test.  She was fantastic and knew her menu inside and out. 

It would probably be easier to tell you what we didn't order.  But let's just go with some highlights of the night.  Apps? We had 'em all but the Oyster.  And right away, let me guide you: Do not order the Soft Shell Crab.  Stinky and bad-taste city.  Man.  I can still taste it.  Instead order the Tako Yaki or the Quail.  Both fantastic.  You can then tell your friends you ate both octopus and quail and look like a stud.  Or a sicko. 

Not a fan of adventurous cuisine?  Have the Truffled Sweet Potato Fries and Sliders.  Really good stuff and you won't feel left out when everyone else is mowing down on their Asian fare.

Looking for a fun drink?  Order a carafe of Soju.  There are many flavors, but let us suggest the Lychee.  Why?  Please.  Because it's unusual, interesting and tastes pretty damn good.  Plus, it's fun to be served a huge carafe and many shot glasses.  But just sip, ok?  Dont' be foolish to just shoot it all back.  Share, enjoy, refresh.

If you want a simple snack with your Kirins and Sojus, just have the nice and salted Edamame.  A classic go-to.  We also recommend the Shumai.  Delicious.

So overall, those eaters who are fans Asian and adventurous nosh are going to enjoy Owl Station.  Or you might glance around and think to yourself, "The Franklin is just around the is Amrhein's.".  It's a 50/50 place.  You'll either give a hoot or you won't.

But hey, don't leave with out trying dessert.  You want Mochi ice cream.  Don't ask any questions.  Just order it.

September 7, 2011

Tweedley Dee! We Twittered! We're scared.

Ok Forks!  We joined Twitter.  Thanks to you-know-who, who suggested!  Spread the word, find us, etc.  Look for BostonRevue and you'll find us! 

September 6, 2011

Where did the summer go? Besides to our hips?

Most people do the pre-summer work outs to get trim and svelte.  We prefer the post summer trim down.  Summer is the greatest season to splurge.

Sure, sure, sure.  Fall comes around and you OD on apples pies and Turkey dinners.  Winter comes and you're inhaling meatloaves and stews on the weekly.  But...aren't you going to miss summer?

Those days sitting outside having mussels and oysters in the sun?  Nighttime drinks on the patio of a great bar?  Outdoor view of the city as you eat a nice salad covered in fruit?  Fenway Franks and the Sausage guy!  Aren't you dreading the end?

Of course, once Fall is here, truly here, we'll be on the bandwagon.  We'll enjoy the nice, crisp days of walking through the Public Gardens or trips to the Big Apple in Franklin.  Ciders and plain donuts, the return of corduroy jackets and boots....On second thought, maybe this doesn't sound so bad. 

...But it still doesn't erase the fact that we wore flip flops on a day like today.

What are you looking to enjoy this Fall?  And what are you mourning with the end of summer?

September 2, 2011

Old Boston @ the new Brahmin

The Brahmin
33 Stanhope
Boston, MA

An initelligent and cultered friend had an insightful question.  Would The Brahmin be Old Boston?  Old money, aristocratic?  An equally intelligent blogger replied that it just might even be very Old Hahhvad, Old Cambridge.

Well, we (I mean they) were both right.  The Brahmin is bringing some old school Boston Brahmin cultaaah back to Beantown.  And no, you don't have to be a decsendent of the Cabots or the Peabodys to get served a drink.  Just be friendly with the chatty waistaff and don't fall asleep in their cozy leather furniture.  (It's frowned upon.  Just trust me.)

The drinks you want to try?  Their famous Side Car and the Sex in the City.  Yup.  Both.  The place you want to set up camp?  One of the cozy corners with the leather couches and chairs.  By the window.  You could sit outside on the patio, which is normally the best.  But the view outside Stanhope isn't the greatest.  The view inside is much better.

Be sure to be careful walking down the wacky staircase.  No, you haven't had too many Older Sisters, it's built that way.  Describe it?  No. Go walk down it.

Go, have fun, get your picture taken and don't fall asleep.  Just avoid it at all costs.  Mr. Manager doesn't like it.  Then go home and count your gold peices.

And hey friends!  If you're wondering who that super intelligent person is, I'll let you decide.  She's one of the lovely gals featured in this article.  <---Click Me.

September 1, 2011

Gaslight Update! Merci Beaucoup!

Ok, so some of you might know our previous post from 5 minutes ago about our experience du Gaslight.

No sooner did we post of post, did the General Manger contact us.  To you, sir, merci.  Thank you for your kind attention (gentil, n'est pas?) and professionalisim. This was our first ever official complaint (seriously. first ever in life.) and our first ever reconciliation.  We will definitely return to your establishment.

Friends and readers alike, 'buds and forks of all kinds.  Let us all bow our heads and forgive.  And forget.  And learn the difference between Pinot Grigio and Pinot Gris.

Au revoir mon amis.  J'taime!

J'adore Gaslight, mais oui!

Gaslight Brasserie du Coin
560 Harrison Ave
Boston 02118
617 422-0224

Ever have a cheese terrine?  Le terrine du fromage?  Oui?  Non?  Sound like poo-poo?  Mais, no.  C'est bon.  Especially because I know what a terrine is.

Gaslight is a great little place on, what I call, the ouskirts of the South End.  They have a parking lot, huge indoor dining room and an our door patio.  If they were in the heart of the South End, there'd be no space for this.  But they make it work over on Harrison Ave.

They make the food work, too.  And to answer for you, yes.  You do want the the Summer Vegetable & Goat Cheese Terrine.  All a terrine means it that the cheese is molded around the veggies and then sliced.  It's great.  Spread it on bread or the lemony crostinis they provide.  Ooo la la.  Magnifique.

You may want to try a light pasta dish for your entree.  The Ricotta and Sweet Corn Raviolis were really good.  I wish the pasta had a little more cheese inside, but the flavors were all there. 

And let me tell you, the know how to cook a Trout at Gaslight.  Their Restaurant Week menu provided a Trout Almondine, which was nice and flaky.  Crispy skin on.  Zootaleur! 

One thing to be weary of...the snotty little bartender at the chic bar.  She'll mishear your order and charge you for a $12 glass of wine when your ordered the $6.  And then when you try to nicely expose the error on the bill, you'll get a lesson on the wine she DID serve you and a promise that she'll listen harder next time.  Don't forget the wish for an "excellent evening".  We will return to Gaslight, but they have a pissy little letter coming their way.

That's all we can really say on this revue right now, because we're reliving the entire altercation at the bar.  Gadzooks.  Je suis enraged.

Furthermore, I'm try to persuade my date from this lovely outing to give us her own revue, as a guest blogging entry.  Stay tuned, 'buds.  This ain't the end of this one!