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Stay Tuned, Forks...

Hey Forks! Longtime, no eat! I've got a couple revues coming your way, so stay tuned!

April 11, 2012

There's an App for that!

Usually the apps we discuss are are if the edible variety. But Blogger us on iPhone. We can post all the time now, 'buds!!!

April 4, 2012

Piccola Venezia - Revisited

Don't be silly and jump right into Part 2 without checking out Part 1, 'buds.  Click on that little link and get yourself up to snuff.  Keep reading below to get see our X-press revue of PV - Part 2.

Done?  Va Bene.  And after about 2 hours eating Italian style w/ 8 other girls, we were finally done, too.  Many bottles of wine, many appetizers and entrees later, of course.

Once again, at PV, the staff was really accommodating and friendly, even when we sent back a bad bottle of wine.  And once again, we found the clientele to be diverse and very family oriented.  Babies, young adults, dates, girls nights, etc.

The hot items this time around were the Atlantic Salamon with Spinach Risotto and the Sauteed Mushrooms.  These got the biggest raves from our group.  This blogger could NOT get enough of the mushrooms.  Just amazing.

The Veal Vittorio was very lemony (good) and cut very thick (not so good).  The Baccala Bianco was amazing and something new for our 'buds: Salted codfish.  Very good served with veggies and roasted potatoes.  We love trying new (to us) things.

Don't bother eating the side dish of pasta in marinara, if your meal comes with it.  Nothing tastes as good as the one your mom or grandmother makes. 

The atmosphere is very inviting to boisterous groups and people looking for an at-home feel.  The food is good, but not the best in the North End.  And again, the service was really attentive.

We've got some more revues coming your way, so stay tuned, Forks!!!  Ciao!